Lose Weight Quickly In 2021: 10 Best Tips & Tricks For Quick Results

Diary Of The Workout
6 min readNov 19, 2020

01.Reduce Quickly With The 24-Hour Diet

With the 24-hour diet, losing weight quickly isn’t an empty promise. The concept was developed by nutrition expert Achim Sam alongside the renowned nutritionist Professor Dr. Michael Hamm. Studies have proven the effect. in only 24 hours, with a special nutrition and training plan, the fat burning should be pushed to a maximum — a weight loss of up to 2 kilos should be possible in only 24 hours — with a high percentage of body fat!
In short, the 24-hour diet relies on a diet and a decent training plan — whether you’re a beginner or knowledgeable, there’s an appropriate plan for everybody. you begin with interval training ( e.g. HIIT ) within the evening to empty your carbohydrate stores, the second sports unit follows the subsequent day. so as to stay fat burning as high as possible, the 24-hour diet includes special recipes and predominantly protein-containing foods.
Best of all: there’s no habituation effect because the diet only lasts 24 hours. So there’s no yo-yo effect. additionally, you’ll simply repeat the diet if you’ve got not yet achieved your weight loss goal. Our tip: it’s best to place the 24 hours on the weekend in order that you’ll concentrate fully on the sports units and meals.
By the way: This weight-loss principle basically corresponds to the currently very fashionable intermittent fasting, which alternates between normal food intake and fasting at a given rhythm.
Protein Foods: the simplest Sources of Protein

2. Avoid sugar and starch

If you would like to realize quick diet successes, you ought to avoid foods containing sugar and starch. In plain language, this suggests No pasta, no bread, no rice, and positively no sweets or sweets. nutriment is additionally one among them, of course, because foods rich in carbohydrates cause the insulin level to skyrocket — this not only causes cravings when the extent falls again but also slows down fat burning. With a diet, it’s not only important to make a calorie deficit so as to reduce — the sort of calories consumed is additionally decisive for the success of the diet.

3. No sugary drinks and fruit juices

If you would like to avoid sugar and starch a few times, you ought to also keep an eye fixed on the liquid calories. Lemonades, fruit juices or smoothies should be stop — they’re filled with sugar and thus sabotage any diet.
By the way: Fruit also contains large amounts of fructose. If you would like to eat a low-carb diet so as to lose a couple of kilos, you ought to limit yourself to 2 fruit servings each day — and choose low-sugar varieties like blueberries, raspberries, papaya, strawberries or grapefruits.

4. Consume more proteins, fats, and fiber

Whatever you save in carbohydrates, you ought to add proteins, fats, and soluble fiber. In plain language: many fresh vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, organic meat and fish, dairy products, and healthy fats from high-quality oils like olive or flaxseed oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

5. Reduce quickly by abstaining from alcohol

Alcohol is poison for the figure because it’s filled with empty calories. If you would like to reduce, you ought to definitely avoid it. Because it isn’t just the calories that sabotage the dream figure project — if we drink alcohol, our body fully concentrates on its utilization. The liver works at full speed to detoxify the body, the use of proteins and carbohydrates is greatly reduced and fats are almost not used for energy production. The body concentrates entirely on the alcohol, so to talk. this is often thanks to the very fact that the physical body doesn’t store the energy in alcohol, so it can only be used immediately or stored within the body. Losing weight becomes difficult or impossible with alcohol.

6. Movement

If you would like to reduce quickly, there’s no avoiding sport and exercise. Because the goal may be a calorie deficit — which can only be achieved if you burn quite you eat. you’ll also achieve this by not eating — but losing weight is far faster with exercise. a mixture of strength and endurance sports is right. Interval units ( e.g. HIIT ) especially bring fat burning to full speed. But exercise in lifestyle shouldn’t be underestimated either: it’s better to require the steps than the elevator and walk more often on foot, which increases calorie consumption!
Another plus point: muscles burn more calories than fat even during a resting state — and thus offer the simplest prerequisites for maintaining your newly achieved dream weight within the long term! So make certain to require a glance at this: Everything you would like to understand about muscle building in women!
By the way: “The Biggest Loser” presenter Christine Theiss gives the following pointers on the topic of weight loss.

7. Drink water before meals

Simple but effective: If you drink two large glasses of water about a half-hour before a meal, you’ll feel full more quickly afterward. The portions are smaller because there’s not such a lot of food left within the stomach. A study by Dr. Brenda Davis from Virginia Tech University demonstrated its effectiveness. She was ready to prove that the themes consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal thanks to the increased water consumption.
Not entirely new findings: Years ago, a study by the Berlin Charité showed that consuming 1.5 to 2 liters of beverage each day can increase energy expenditure by up to 100 calories. So go ahead: water on!

8. Reduce quickly with the apple vinegar trick

Apple vinegar is believed to possess phenomenal effects — and lots of celebrity ladies swear by the apple vinegar trick to shed a couple of pounds quickly. to try to do this, add 2 tablespoons of organic apple vinegar to a glass of water. Optionally it is often refined with lemon and ginger. Anyone who takes this drink in the morning on an empty stomach is meant to urge the metabolism to run at full speed, feel less appetite during the day, and not be suffering from cravings.
If you cannot catch on down, inspect this recipe for a healthy switchel, which is additionally mixed with apple vinegar — but tastes delicious!
Maybe also interesting: Everything about losing weight on the stomach

9. Placed on fat burner foods

In addition to intensive training, the proper spices also can make sure that the metabolism is boosted. Chili, cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, or ginger not only give dishes the required kick, but they also promote fat burning. Even more fat burner foods within the gallery:

10. Get enough sleep

Completely underestimated: healthy sleep, because it’s a true fat killer. At night, our body works at full speed: cells are cleaned, repaired, and regenerated, toxins are filtered out and removed, the lymph flow is promoted and therefore the tissue is tightened. For this, he needs enough sleep, i.e. a minimum of six, better eight hours. so as to optimally support him and to stimulate the burning of fat overnight, we should always avoid meals that are too late and ideally have a protein-based dinner. for instance, steamed fish with vegetables would be ideal. If you would like to ignite the fat burner turbo, you’ll occasionally believe dinner canceling — so you’ll skip dinner every now then and permit your body to require an opportunity from eating! More on the subject: Slim in your sleep!
Maybe also interesting during this context: reduce with intermittent fasting and every one information on the topics of detox, cheat days, and living in kilos!

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Diary Of The Workout

Hi Everyone, I’m Jean Grace. I’m a Health & Welness Coach